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Pause Animations


Vestibular disorders can significantly impact users, causing dizziness, imbalance, and other symptoms when viewing certain animations. This article provides an in-depth understanding of the importance of pause animations in web design, especially for users with vestibular disorders. Implementing pause animations is not just a design consideration but a crucial element in web accessibility.

Understanding Pause Animations

  • Pause animations allow users to stop or pause animations on a website.
  • They work by providing a control or setting to halt motion on the page.
  • Pause animations enhance web accessibility, particularly for users with motion sensitivity or vestibular disorders.

The Science of Vestibular Disorders

Vestibular disorders pertain to conditions affecting the inner ear and brain responsible for balance and eye movements. Users with these disorders may experience symptoms like dizziness, vertigo, or nausea when viewing certain animations on websites. Thus, ensuring web accessibility for these users is imperative to prevent discomfort or exclusion from the digital world.

Success Criterion 2.3.3 Animation from Interactions

Explanation of Success Criterion 2.3.3

This criterion, referenced from the WCAG guidelines[1], states that motion animation triggered by interaction can be disabled unless it's essential. This ensures users can control motion on websites.

Impact on web design

This criterion emphasizes the need for web designers to be cautious with animations, offering users the choice to pause or stop them.

Compliant websites

Popular platforms like WordPress and Shopify now incorporate features that align with this criterion, benefiting users with motion sensitivities.

Best Practices for Pause Animations

Techniques for pause animations

Incorporate a visible button or setting to control animations, ensure compatibility across devices, and use CSS and JavaScript functionalities for smoother experiences.

Testing pause animations

It's vital to test pause animations on different browsers and devices to ensure seamless functionality.

Effective pause animations

Platforms like Medium and Google's homepage have successfully implemented pause animations, enhancing user experience.

Pause Animations in Web Design

  • Web design encompasses the aesthetic and functional aspects of a website.
  • Pause animations play a pivotal role in enhancing user experience and accessibility.
  • Popular websites, including e-commerce platforms and news portals, are increasingly incorporating pause animations.

Pause Animations in Accessibility

Web accessibility ensures that all users, regardless of their physical or cognitive abilities, can access and interact with online content. Pause animations are paramount in this domain, especially for users with motion sensitivities. Platforms adopting these animations demonstrate commitment to inclusivity, catering to a diverse user base.


What are pause animations?

Pause animations are controls or settings on websites allowing users to stop or pause animations.

Why are pause animations important?

They enhance web accessibility, especially for users with motion sensitivities or vestibular disorders.

What are vestibular disorders?

Conditions affecting the inner ear and brain that control balance and eye movements.

How do vestibular disorders impact users?

They can cause dizziness, vertigo, or nausea when viewing certain animations.

What is Success Criterion 2.3.3?

A WCAG guideline stating that motion animation triggered by interaction can be disabled unless essential.

How do pause animations impact web accessibility?

They provide users, especially those with motion sensitivities, control over animations, enhancing their online experience.

Best practices for pause animations?

Offer a clear control to pause animations, ensure cross-device compatibility, and test thoroughly.


Pause animations have emerged as a cornerstone in web accessibility, ensuring that the digital realm is inclusive for all. From understanding vestibular disorders to the significance of Success Criterion 2.3.3, it's clear that modern web design must prioritize these features. As technology evolves, the hope is that more platforms will embrace pause animations, creating a harmonious online experience for everyone.

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