Text spacing

Text Spacing

The spacing of text greatly impacts its legibility and readability. Thoughtful adjustments to the space between letters, words, and lines allows content to be presented in the clearest, most accessible way. This article will examine the definitions and best practices around letter, word, and line spacing in typography.

Text spacing refers to the white space between characters, words, and lines within a block of text. This includes adjustments to:

  • Letter spacing: Space between individual letters
  • Word spacing: Space between words
  • Line spacing: Space between lines of text

Getting text spacing right ensures content flows in a way that is easy to read and comprehend. It helps guide the eye smoothly across and down the page. Conversely, poor text spacing leads to a visually jumbled, cluttered appearance.

Letter Spacing

Letter spacing refers to the distance between individual letters within words. It impacts the density and overall "texture" of a block of text.

Letter spacing is different from kerning. Kerning adjusts the space between specific letter pairs like A-V or T-Y. Letter spacing uniformly adjusts gaps across all letters.

Adjusting Letter Spacing in Microsoft Word

  • Select the text to modify
  • On the Home tab, click the Dialog Box Launcher in the bottom-right of the Font section.
  • The Font dialog box will open. Go to the Advanced tab.
  • Under Spacing, adjust the value for Scale.
  • Values over 100% increase letter spacing. Values below 100% decrease spacing.
  • The preview box shows the impact on sample text.
  • Click OK to apply.

Adjusting Letter Spacing in Adobe InDesign

  • Select the text frame or text to modify.
  • Open the Character panel (Window > Type & Tables > Character).
  • In the panel, adjust the Letter Spacing (Tracking) value up or down in points.
  • Positive values increase spacing, while negative values decrease it.
  • The selected text will adjust in real time.

Word Spacing

Word spacing refers to the blank space between words within a line of text. Like letter spacing, proper word spacing improves readability by reducing crowding. It also contributes to a clean, balanced look.

Adjusting Word Spacing in Microsoft Word

Adjusting Word Spacing in Microsoft Word
Select the text.
On the Home tab, click the Dialog Box Launcher.
On the Font dialog, go to Advanced > Spacing > Word Spacing.
Enter a percentage value:
- 100% = default spacing
- >100% = wider spacing
- <100% = tighter spacing
The preview box shows the effect. Click OK to apply.

Line Spacing

Line spacing, also called leading, controls the vertical space between lines of text in a paragraph. This impacts the "color" of a block, with tighter spacing appearing darker.

Adjusting Line Spacing in Microsoft Word

Adjusting Line Spacing in Microsoft Word
Select the paragraph(s) to adjust.
On the Home tab, click the Line and Paragraph Spacing button.
Select an option:
- 1.0 = single spaced
- 1.15 = slightly wider
- 1.5 = medium spaced
- 2.0 = double spaced
You can also select "Add space after paragraph" to insert extra space between paragraphs.

Adjusting Line Spacing in Adobe InDesign

  • Select the text frame or paragraph(s) to adjust.
  • Open the Paragraph panel (Window > Type & Tables > Paragraph).
  • Adjust the Leading value up or down.
  • Leading is measured from baseline to baseline.
  • The text will update live with spacing changes.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is tracking?

Tracking is another term for letter spacing, referring to uniform space between all letters. It should not be confused with kerning between specific letter pairs.

What is leading?

Leading is another term for line spacing, meaning the vertical space from baseline to baseline down the page. It was named for the physical lead spacers used in traditional typesetting.

What is the difference between expanded and condensed letter spacing?

Expanded letter spacing increases space between letters uniformly. Condensed letter spacing decreases space between letters uniformly. Too much or too little spacing both impact legibility.

What is the optimal line length for reading?

The optimal line length is around 50-75 characters per line. This keeps each line comfortable to read without needing excessive eye movement or scanning.

What is the difference between monospaced and proportionally spaced fonts?

In monospaced fonts, every letter occupies the same width. In proportionally spaced fonts, letter widths vary based on the actual shapes. Most modern fonts are proportionally spaced for better fit.


Careful text spacing creates continuity, improves flow, and enhances readability. Letter spacing, word spacing, and line spacing can each optimize legibility in different but complementary ways. Following best practices for text spacing allows typography to communicate with clarity and focus - guiding the eye across the page in an even, accessible rhythm. Keeping these principles in mind as we design interfaces and documents will lift the reading experience to new heights of comfort and comprehension.

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